Victoria Roythorne helps contractors find the right recruiter for IR35 compliance.
Questions every contractor should ask their recruiter
From April 6th 2021, medium- and large-sized private sector businesses will have to start making their own IR35 determinations for all roles where they want to use a contractor, just as organisations in the public sector have been doing since 2017.
This means that where up until this point contractors within the private sector have had the freedom to assess their own assignments against the requirements of IR35, from April this decision making ability will be taken out of their control.
As an established specialist technology, change and engineering recruitment agency, we pride ourselves on our reputation built over 30 years, and our ability to deliver skilled flexible resource to fit the client’s requirements. We’re currently supporting a number our clients with the determination of contractors’ IR35 statuses going forward towards April’s change in legislation, as well as programmes to make these IR35 readiness projects as painless as possible for all involved.