Celebrating World Menopause Day!
Photo of people talking and smiling over a coffee

Celebrating World Menopause Day!

18th October 2024
Awareness Days

Today is World Menopause Day. We caught up with our fabulous People & Operations Director and Menopause Ambassador, Anna Kramer, on how we can better support the incredible women in our lives!

Why did you want to become our Menopause Ambassador?

I became Outsource’s Menopause Ambassador two years’ ago because I’ve personally experienced the challenges of peri-menopause and know how isolating it can feel - I didn’t want anyone else in work or outside of work to feel the same.

Talking about it wasn’t always easy for me, but once I started, I realised how important it is to have these conversations - both at work and at home.

There’s so much stigma around menopause, but it affects so many women, and we deserve the support and understanding needed to thrive, both personally and professionally.

I wanted to be that voice of support for others, to break the silence and create a space where women feel comfortable opening up, seeking help, and knowing they’re not alone.

Why do you think it’s important to talk about menopause in the workplace?

It’s so important because menopause affects many women, yet it’s often a taboo subject. Talking about it openly helps break the stigma and allows women to feel supported, rather than struggling in silence.

It’s crucial that we create an environment where women can share their experiences and get the adjustments they need at work. When we normalise these conversations, we empower women to continue thriving in their careers, instead of feeling like they need to hide what they’re going through or step back from work. By fostering a culture of openness, we can also help managers and colleagues understand how to offer better support.

Ultimately, making menopause part of our workplace conversations helps everyone - because when women feel supported, they perform better and contribute even more to the business.

What has your personal experience with peri-menopause taught you?

My experience with peri-menopause, including debilitating pain and migraines, taught me the value of speaking up and seeking help. I was hesitant at first, but once I opened up and got the right support, it made a world of difference.

It’s reminded me how important it is to reach out and ask for the adjustments that make work more manageable.

More than that, it’s shown me the power of connection - when I started sharing my story, I found that so many other women were going through similar things.

It made me realise how much we need to support each other through this journey. There are resources and people ready to help, but the first step is starting that conversation, whether with colleagues, friends, or healthcare professionals.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with menopause symptoms at work?

Don’t suffer in silence.

Make a list of your symptoms and how they’re affecting you at work, then talk to your manager or HR team. Be clear about the support you need, whether that’s flexible working hours, adjustments to your workspace or time off for medical appointments.

Opening up can make all the difference. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but once you take that step, you’ll find that there’s support available. It’s not just about making your work life easier - it’s about taking care of yourself and ensuring you have what you need to feel your best.

Remember that your health should always come first, and the more we communicate these needs, the more we can create a workplace culture that understands and accommodates them.

How has becoming the Menopause Ambassador at Outsource impacted you?

It’s been an eye-opening and comforting experience. I’ve found a lot of support from other women who’ve shared their stories with me. It’s reinforced how important it is to create a supportive environment for others going through the same challenges.

I’ve also learned so much about the different ways menopause can impact women - no two experiences are the same, which makes it even more important for employers to provide tailored support.

Becoming the Menopause Ambassador has allowed me to advocate for these changes and help ensure our workplace is a space where women can continue to thrive, no matter what stage of life they’re in. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see how this role has opened up conversations and encouraged women to feel more confident in sharing their experiences, knowing that they will be supported.

What have we put in place to support people going through menopause?

This World Menopause Day marks Outsource’s two year anniversary of signing the Menopause Workplace Pledge! 🎉 The pledge, run by Wellbeing of Women, aims to redress the lack of awareness and support for women in the workplace who are experiencing Menopause.

As well as signing the pledge, Outsource UK has a Menopause Policy in place that was rolled out in 2021.

We also provide our managers with guidance on how to effectively support employees going through menopause, as well as continuing to provide a range of guidance and support resources to all of our employees.

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