Balancing Work and Family Life during the School Holidays! | Outsource UK
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Balancing Work and Family Life during the School Holidays!

29th July 2024

As the final bell rings and classrooms empty, the long-awaited UK school holidays are upon us. For children, it’s a time of excitement, adventure and a break from the routine.

But for parents, it often marks the beginning of a challenging period of juggling work and family life. Balancing the demands of a job with the need to keep the kids entertained and happy can feel like an uphill battle. Whether you're working from home, in the office or juggling both, striking a balance between professional duties and family time can be quite challenging.

Our amazing Rebecca Buggs, who is not only a Senior Recruitment Consultant, Parent Returner Ambassador but also an incredible mum, shares her tips on juggling work and family life.

Anyone who has read my previous blogs knows that I’m a strong advocate of hybrid working. I genuinely believe that finding a role that supports hybrid and flexible working is essential for balancing work and family life. The reality is, if my employer didn’t support hybrid working, I would have to reduce my working days or find a different role to maintain the balance I currently enjoy. Having a supportive employer is a huge bonus! Here are some key aspects to focus on to ensure you’re doing what’s in your control to achieve a healthy work / family balance.

Setting Personal Goals

Consider what your main drivers are and what you want to achieve. Without this clarity, work can feel like a slog and just a job rather than a fulfilling career. For me, work is personal. I strive to be successful, to progress and to be respected and valued by senior leadership and peers. But I also want to make my family proud and provide a stable and supportive environment for my child. I want to offer my son the same opportunities I enjoyed growing up, thanks to my parents’ hard work and devotion - things like sports clubs, family holidays, Christmas celebrations, music concerts and sports events. These activities create lasting memories. However, all these things cost money and with the increasing cost of living, I don’t want my son to miss out on experiences he’ll cherish in the future.

Staying Organised

So, how do I balance being present with my son and maximising my time at work, especially now that I work fewer hours? It helps to remind myself of my drivers, but organisation is crucial. Fortunately, I’ve always been organised. Small tasks like preparing clothes during lunch, handling laundry and cleaning over lunch breaks (thanks to working from home) allow me to spend evenings and weekends fully engaged with my son, free from daily chores. Preparing lunches the night before and planning weekend activities in advance ensures quality time with him, regardless of the weather.

Being organised at work is just as important. Prioritising tasks and planning my day, week and month ensures I meet clients’ needs and hit my targets. If you’re disorganised and unsure of what you want to achieve, how can you expect to accomplish them?

Maintaining a Positive Mindset

For me, maintaining a positive mindset is really important. Situations will arise that are out of your control, but moving on from them rather than dwelling on them helps you stay positive and productive. This is something I’ve worked hard on. In the past, setbacks could put me in a negative state for days or even weeks. I simply don’t have time for this attitude if I want to achieve and progress. A negative mindset also affects those around you. Reflecting on what could have been done differently and learning from those situations helps turn negatives into positives, keeping you productive.

Seeking Support

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Delegating tasks and saying no are important qualities. Being too busy and always saying yes can negatively impact the quality of your work and contribute to stress, hindering a healthy balance. Asking for help can build relationships, showing others that we trust and rely on them, which is important both at work and at home.

Regular check-ins

It may sound obvious but having regular catch-ups with your manager, especially throughout the summer holidays, is key for working parents. Having open lines of communication about expectations and available support can help parents plan and manage their responsibilities more effectively. It also provides a platform for parents to voice their concerns and needs.

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